Dragon Ornament & Home Dream Interpretation

GM Asks: I was walking into my childhood home, I feel loss, despair, sadness and start weeping heavily like someone has died. I try to look for my dad but I sense he is outside of the house. I continue to walk into the lounge room and sob heavily. I see the furniture and look at the china cabinet and it has a yellow and orange dragon ornament made of glass. It’s beautiful the dragon is smiling and pointing to the front door. I’m scared to touch it in case it breaks but it’s thick glass and I immediately think “ wow the craftsmanship is delicate but sturdy.”. It’s the only ornament in the china cabinet. Light fills the walls…..i woke up from dreaming cos the feeling of grief upset me. I had no tears. Thanks for reading.

Our Personal Dream Interpretation Answer:

In your dream, the childhood home serves as a powerful symbol, often representing the foundational experiences and emotions that have shaped you. The overwhelming emotions of loss, despair, and sadness suggest a deep-seated emotional process, perhaps related to your past. Weeping heavily can be an outlet for emotional release, and the intensity of your grief indicates the weight of the emotions you’re carrying.

The search for your dad might symbolize a desire for guidance or support during a challenging time. The fact that you sense he is outside the house could signify a perceived distance or separation. The lounge room, a space associated with relaxation and family, becomes the stage for your emotional expression.

The china cabinet, housing a beautiful dragon ornament, becomes a focal point. The dragon, traditionally a symbol of strength and good fortune, smiling and pointing to the front door, may suggest a journey or transition. Your hesitation to touch it out of fear it might break reflects a cautious approach to delicate aspects of your life, but the realization of its sturdy craftsmanship hints at the resilience and strength within you.

The dragon, traditionally a symbol of strength and good fortune, smiling and pointing to the front door, may suggest a journey or transition.

The play of light filling the walls as you wake up could signify a moment of enlightenment or clarity, brought on by the emotional journey within the dream. The absence of tears upon waking could be a reflection of the nuanced nature of your emotions, not easily categorized into simple expressions.

This dream appears to be a poignant exploration of past emotions, transitions, and the delicate yet robust aspects of your inner self. Consider the specific associations you have with the elements in the dream and how they might parallel your waking life experiences.
